Social Activities
Bernardo Nicodemo Gomes Chimbuco | Department of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola | Honourable Mention | USB 2.3 Best trainee |
Jesus A. Tomé, Ph.D. | Agostinho Neto University. Luanda, Angola | Best Paper of the Conference | National Appropriation of the Notions of Citizenship and Peace Considering the International Agenda in the Post-civil War Context in Angola |
Isabel Balanga Pedro; Emanuel Brage & Bettencourt Munanga, Ph.D. | Department of Food Science & Department of Process Engineering, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola | Best Poster of the Conference | Microbiological and physicochemical modifications during the spontaneous fermentation process of Kissangua: a traditional corn-based beverage |
Kalonesse de Aragão João | Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Agostinho Neto University. Luanda Angola & Department of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola | Track 1 Best Presentation | Relationship between Physical Violence and Other Forms of Intrafamily Maltreatment in Pregnant Adolescent Women (co-authored with Euclides Nenga Sacomboio, Ph.D; Joaquim Carlos Van-Dúnem, Ph.D.; Ana Cristina Santos, Ph.D. & Paulo Adão de Campos, Ph.D.) |
Francisco Álvaro dos Santos | ALGORITMI Research Centre / LASI, University of Minho. Braga, Portugal & Polytechnic Institute, Kimpa Vita University. Uíge, Angola | Track 2 Best Presentation | Multi-Objective Optimization in Distributed Industry and Environmental Sustainability. A Literature Review. (co-authores by Lino Costa, Ph.D. & Leonilde Varela, Ph.D.) |
Alberto Zumba Kirinda, Ph.D. | Cuanza Norte Pedagogical Higher School. Cuanza Norte, Angola; Politechinic Institute & University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola | Track 4 Best Presentation | The Insufficiencies in the Professional Pedagogical Overcoming of Teachers at the “Escola Superior Pedagógica do Cuanza Norte”. (co-authored with Graciela Nápoles Quiñones, Ph.D.) |
João de Deus Ferraz Vunge | Politechinic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola | Track 5 Best Presentation | Teaching and Anxiety: Experiences of Teachers in The Beginning of the Career. (co-authored with Tomásia Francisca Estevão Morais) |
The Department of Health Sciences | Polytechnic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola | Best Stand “URNM Excellences” | Nursing & Care Ecosystem (by Venâncio Ribalta Ribalta & Enoel Hernandez (Faculty members); José Bernardo da Fonseca (lab technician); Ageu Sañgala, Alfredo Catueni, Anacleto Morais, Antônio Sachinda & Daniel Muiamba (nursing graduation final-year students) |
Keynotes and debate:
The life and legacy of the Queen Njinga (December 15, 2023. 14h30– 16h30).
Nota bene: Session in Portuguese with simultaneous translation in English

Ballet performance, exhibition (photography, painting, and craftsmanship)

guided excursion

National Agri-food products and opportunities, URNM R&D Excellences