• +244933104649/921832647
  • isc23@uninjinganbande.ed.ao
  • Rainha Njinga a Mbande University, Malanje-Angola

Social Activities






Bernardo Nicodemo Gomes Chimbuco 

Department of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Honourable Mention

USB 2.3 Best trainee

Jesus A. Tomé, Ph.D.

Agostinho Neto University. Luanda, Angola

Best Paper of the Conference

National Appropriation of the Notions of Citizenship and Peace Considering the International Agenda in the Post-civil War Context in Angola

Isabel Balanga Pedro; Emanuel Brage & Bettencourt Munanga, Ph.D.

Department of Food Science & Department of Process Engineering, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Best Poster of the Conference

Microbiological and physicochemical modifications during the spontaneous fermentation process of Kissangua: a traditional corn-based beverage

Kalonesse de Aragão João

Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Agostinho Neto University. Luanda Angola & Department of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Track 1 Best Presentation

Relationship between Physical Violence and Other Forms of Intrafamily Maltreatment in Pregnant Adolescent Women (co-authored with Euclides Nenga Sacomboio, Ph.D; Joaquim Carlos Van-Dúnem, Ph.D.; Ana Cristina Santos, Ph.D. & Paulo Adão de Campos, Ph.D.)

Francisco Álvaro dos Santos

ALGORITMI Research Centre / LASI, University of Minho. Braga, Portugal & Polytechnic Institute, Kimpa Vita University. Uíge, Angola

Track 2 Best Presentation

Multi-Objective Optimization in Distributed Industry and Environmental Sustainability. A Literature Review. (co-authores by Lino Costa, Ph.D. & Leonilde Varela, Ph.D.)

Alberto Zumba Kirinda, Ph.D.

Cuanza Norte Pedagogical Higher School. Cuanza Norte, Angola; Politechinic Institute & University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Track 4 Best Presentation

The Insufficiencies in the Professional Pedagogical Overcoming of Teachers at the “Escola Superior Pedagógica do Cuanza Norte”. (co-authored with Graciela Nápoles Quiñones, Ph.D.)

João de Deus Ferraz Vunge

Politechinic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Track 5 Best Presentation

Teaching and Anxiety: Experiences of Teachers in The Beginning of the Career. (co-authored with Tomásia Francisca Estevão Morais)

The Department of Health Sciences

Polytechnic Institute, University Rainha Njinga a Mbande. Malanje, Angola

Best Stand “URNM Excellences”

Nursing & Care Ecosystem  (by Venâncio Ribalta Ribalta & Enoel Hernandez (Faculty members); José Bernardo da Fonseca (lab technician); Ageu Sañgala, Alfredo Catueni, Anacleto Morais, Antônio Sachinda & Daniel Muiamba (nursing graduation final-year students)

Keynotes and debate:

The life and legacy of the Queen Njinga  (December 15, 2023. 14h30– 16h30).

Nota bene: Session in Portuguese with simultaneous translation in English


Ballet performance, exhibition (photography, painting, and craftsmanship)


guided excursion


National Agri-food products and opportunities, URNM R&D Excellences