Call for Posters
The ISC.urnm is an international multidisciplinary conference co-organised and hosted by Rainha Njinga a Mbande University (URNM), focused on cutting-edge R&D, policies, and exhibitions about Angolan national development challenges. ISC.urnm is intended to bring together academic, industry, and policy makers to a selective three-days and three-track forum. (go to the website home page[1] to see the tracks)
Important Dates
- Abstract submission: October 8 to 31, 2023, 23:59-Luanda Time
- Notification of abstract acceptance/invitation for poster preparation: November 12, 2023
Submission Guidelines
Studies must tackle Angolan national development challenges or demonstrate that it can be adapted to such challenges. Studies may have been published elsewhere or currently under review for any other publication.
Submissions are to be made in form of Abstracts with maximum 300 words, containing explicitly the following sections: 0) Title of the study; 1) Background/literature review/motivation; 2) Objectives; 3) Methodology; 4) Results; 5) Conclusion. Keywords; ISC Track number and its title.
Successful submissions will explain why the topic is relevant to the ISC.urnm scope. That is, they should be complied with one of the three tracks and address a concern for the Angolan development challenges.
Abstracts in English and in Portuguese will be considered. However, posters should be written in English. The presentation of the poster can be delivered in Portuguese, depending on the public who the author will desire to interact with during the event.
We require each submission materialto be in PDF (abstracts and manuscripts of the accepted abstracts), and submitted through the conference submission system[2].
Abstracts of all the studies selected, including the one for posters, will be published in the conference proceedings.
Ethical issues: Studies that describe experiments on human subjects, or that analyze non-public data derived from human subjects (even anonymized data), should briefly describe how the research protocol addresses ethical considerations and whether their work was vetted by an ethics review (e.g., IRB approval). We expect authors to follow the rules of their host institutions around data collection and experiments with human subjects.